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The stars have aligned...


Méthode Marlborough is the perfect complement to your MATARIKI celebration.

This month, people from all around New Zealand will gather together to celebrate Matariki; Māori New Year. Falling on June 25th, the cluster of nine stars, each holding their own meaning, will be seen in the twilight just before dawn.

The rise of Matariki is seen as a time for reflection, to remember those who have passed in the last year. But it is also a time for celebration, to look ahead and to plan for the future.

Matariki is a great time for winter gatherings with friends and whānau over great kai and exceptional sparkling wine from Marlborough.

Méthode Marlborough celebrates fine Marlborough sparkling wines and aims to educate consumers and trade on why and how Marlborough’s traditional method wines differ from other styles.

Through collaboration, communication and education, Méthode Marlborough builds recognition and respect for the heritage and quality of Marlborough méthode traditionnelle wines.

Join us in rising (sparkling wine!) glasses to the Māori New Year.

Kia pai tou tatou Matariki!

Wishing everyone a Happy Matariki


© 2021 Méthode Marlborough

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